Saturday, June 30, 2012

Food for thought

I am coming out of a week of pure amazingness in Texas. It's no secret that I love soaking up the sun at the beach and filling my belly with legit Mexican food. This trip was of a distinctly different flavor though.

I drove to my old stomping grounds with high expectations. I needed to hear things from God's heart. I needed some tangible lessons to take home. My Dad never disappoints. (not talking about a person here)

This is what is racing through my mind and heart today- sacrifice. More importantly, obedience and sacrifice and the way they work together. I believe our move to Virginia was largely in part an issue of obedience. The church touts "Obedience is better than sacrifice" as an excuse. It's true, God desires my obedience more than He desires a sacrifice of MY choosing. But when I hear those words I hear His heart differently, paraphrased. Cheerful obedience is better than a sacrifice given begrudgingly. Ouch. More often than not, obedience is a sacrifice. Will you obey with a smile, simply soaking up the sacrifice as a point of growth? Or will obedience be secondary to the sacrifice that you are "bearing" for all the world to see? Yup. I said it. I want to be outwardly obedient and inwardly sacrificial.

How's that for soul food?

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